Why Join the Guild?

Thinking about joining the Wine Guild? Here's why you'll love being a part of our community

If you are interested in wine, the Guild provides you with the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals in convivial settings where fine wines are matched with interesting food. The Wine Guild is a non-profit making organisation having no commercial interest in the wines presented at its functions.

What can I expect from joining?

Membership Benefits

Guild Members include MWs, sommeliers and amateur wine lovers; from curious beginners to aficionados. All you need is a love of wine!


Our team of wine experts know how to pick interesting and unique wines that you’ll love.


Meet like-minded individuals in convivial settings where fine wines are matched with interesting food.


Our trips offer a sensorial journey through the heart of winemaking, where each grapevine tells a story of terroir and tradition.


Togther with our partners we are pleased to bring our members a range of seasonal offers and discounts.

Membership Prices

Annual £160
Joint Annual £280
Under 35 £120
Under 30 £80
Wine Professional £120
Overseas £80
Joint Overseas £140
Corporate (Please contact us for further details) 

How To Apply For Membership

We ask all new members to fill out a short application form to find out a little bit more about you. Memberships are renewed on a rolling annual basis, and we treat all member information with the utmost confidentiality. For further information on joining The Guild, please contact the membership team or complete the online application form and submit your membership request below.

Or to access the online application form and submit your membership request, click Become A Member.

What our current members say

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– Members Name

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– Members Name

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– Members Name