Online Membership Application

We ask all new members to fill out a short application form to find out a little bit more about you. Memberships are renewed on a rolling annual basis, and we treat all member information with the utmost confidentiality. For further information on joining The Guild, please contact the membership team or complete the online application form and submit your membership request below.

Membership Prices

Annual: £160
Joint Annual: £280
Under 35: £120
Under 30: £80
Wine Professional: £120
Overseas: £80
Joint Overseas: £140
Corporate: (Please contact us for further details) 

Apply for Membership

Please fill out the following application form including the short biography in the ‘About You’ section, and make sure to upload a recent photo where requested. Please fill out all required fields.

Once we receive your application we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Personal Information

I hereby apply for membership of The Wine Guild of the United Kingdom (“WGUK”). Should my application for membership be approved, I agree to be bound by the WGUK Rules. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations, by signing this agreement I give consent for the processing of my personal data as outlined in The WGUK’s Privacy Policy, and for my information to be used for internal purposes only. Additionally, I authorise the WGUK to make appropriate due diligence enquiries in relation to my application, including but not limited to the Proposer and Seconder named on the application form.

Corporate Membership: Please contact us for more details.

Please set a password for your account