Why Join the Guild?

Membership is offered to a limited number of individuals who have an interest in furthering the Guild’s objectives.

If you are interested in wine, the Guild provides you with the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals in convivial settings where fine wines are matched with interesting food. The Guild’s Masters of Wine and the Cellar master are adept at finding enjoyable and unusual examples and matching them with the menu. There are also opportunities to attend tutored tastings and to meet with Wine producers and others from the Hospitality world.

The Wine Guild is a non-profit making organisation having no commercial interest in the wines presented at its functions.

Membership may either be individual or joint, and is subject to sponsorship by an existing member. If you are interested please contact us.

Membership Fees

Subscriptions paid by Standing Order

Senior Members
Individual Membership £160.00 per annum
Joint Membership £240.00 per annum

Junior Members (under 35 years of age)
£80.00 per annum

New members are required to purchase the Guild’s insignia (£125.00) at the time of their enrolment. However, Junior Members are not required to purchase the insignia until they transfer to senior membership.


The Council of the Wine Guild has been impressed by winemasters.tv  which is  a superb new online food and wine programme streaming website.  

We are pleased to inform you that we have been able to negotiate a very special subscription deal for Wine Guild members who will be among the first to be able to view the new content that is regularly being added, which includes wine estate documentaries, wine master classes, cooking with wine and wine travel features. If you are interested in subscribing do let us know in order to secure the special rates offered to our membership.

More information on winemasters.tv  can be found on their website along with free of charge teaser trailers to give you a better feel for their content: 
